Your donation is more than a charitable contribution—it’s an investment in our community and our positive future.
When you give to Girl Scouts, you help them overcome life’s challenges and embrace its opportunities. Help us bring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to more girls—enabling them to unleash their potential, build their future, and transform their world.
Your gift helps us build a safe environment where girls take healthy risks, explore their possibilities, and imagine new futures.
83% of caregivers say girls try hard activities.
89% of girls want to make the world better.
81% of Girl Scouts believe they are leaders.
Will your company match your donation? Many do! Please check with your employer; you can double your impact.
Girl Scouts of Central Texas
Attn: Resource Development
12012 Park 35 Circle
Austin, TX 78753
Your gift is deductible for federal income tax purposes subject to IRS regulations.