Troop Planning Resources | GSCTX
Get the must-have tools, like gsLearn and the Volunteer Toolkit, to keep your troop going strong via MyGS—always accessible via the icon on the upper right corner of our website.

The Volunteer Toolkit is a customizable planning tool where you can find suggested meeting plans for most badges, access activity guides and badge requirements, track your Girl Scouts’ achievements, and so much more. It’s the digital planning assistant that will help you power a fun-filled—and organized—Girl Scout year.

You’ll find the Volunteer Toolkit via the left menu bar of MyGS in My Account. It’s accessible on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

On gsLearn, find essential volunteer training and courses from your council, like how to lead activities the Girl Scout way, safety procedures, and advice for guiding Girl Scouts at every grade level.

You’ll find gsLearn via the left menu bar of MyGS in My Account. It’s accessible on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device, and it will be populated with any trainings you should view.

Volunteer Essentials is a great reference to all topics relating to the Girl Scout Program, including policies, procedures, and information about troops, safety, travel, camp, activities, and more.
The emotional and physical safety and well-being of Girl Scouts is our top priority. As a volunteer, the environment you create is just as important as the activities girls do—it’s the key to developing the sort of group that girls want to be part of! Cultivate a space where confidentiality is respected, and girls can express their true selves.

Award and Badge Explorer
Explore the badges and Journey awards that Girl Scouts can earn. Filter your results by grade level and topic or create a custom plan PDF. 

Council Award and Badge List
Girl Scouts of Central Texas council offers programming unique to the area. Use this resource to view all available offerings in a single location.  

Highest Awards
Find Highest Award requirements, including Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award, in the Award and Badge Explorer and Volunteer Toolkit.

New Program Resources
There are new ways for Girl Scouts to explore their world—both virtually and in person! Check out the new badge booklets in the Volunteer Toolkit and badge introductions in gsLearn.

Girl Scout Activity Zone
Filter activities by age, grade level, and more. Want to share some service project inspiration with a Girl Scout or simply find an age-appropriate adventure for your troop? You’ll find it here.

Traditions connect Girl Scouts across the globe. They link current Girl Scouts to the trailblazers who came before them and remind them of the camaraderie that comes with the Trefoil they wear. Read up on some of Girl Scouts’ most well-loved traditions here. More info about Girl Scout traditions and ceremonies can be found in your grade level’s handbook.

A troop agreement list is a great way to prevent conflict and create a safe and happy troop environment that helps set clear expectations for acceptable Girl Scout behavior. Youth and adults alike are more likely to follow these agreements if they are written down and signed, especially if they are allowed to be part of the process!  

Take your troop's outdoor adventure to the next level by becoming a Girl Scout Mariner or Trailblazer troop. These two historic Girl Scout programs provide challenging and transformative outdoor possibilities to Girl Scouts in grades 8-12 and their volunteers looking to grow their skills on water, on the trails, and in the backcountry. 

Ready to get started? 

  1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a Mariners or Trailblazers troop leader.
  2. Read through the program guidelines and share them with your troop. These guidelines are open-ended and inclusive. They are a starting point rather than strict instructions. Let your troop take the lead and decide how they would like to shape their year! 
  3. Designate your troop as a Trailblazer or Mariner troop by updating your existing troop.

For questions or more information about these programs, contact us

New Troop Leader Guide
New Troop Leader Guide

Use this downloadable resource for everything you need to get started as a new troop leader.